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consecutive number造句

"consecutive number"是什么意思  
  • Two cars permanently attached , identified by their consecutive numbers
  • As we have seen , every row in the color frequency table joins with the frequency rows in the consecutive number table
    正如我们所看到的, color _ frequency表中的每一行都连接了consecutive _ number表中的frequency行。
  • Once that is done , we can join the consecutive number and make model frequency tables in exactly the same way as we did previously
    一旦完成该工作,我们就可以按照前面一模一样的方法来连接consecutive _ number和make _ model _ frequency表了。
  • Notices based on original information , as opposed to those that republish information from another country , have their consecutive numbers prefixed by an asterisk
  • In this case you might want to have several smaller insert statements , for example having this table expression : select size from size frequency join consecutive number on num between
  • Multiple or repeated evasion acts over a consecutive number of years e . g . persistent default in rendering returns and making of incorrect returns when pressed with estimated assessments
  • Multiple or repeated evasion acts over a consecutive number of years ( e . g . persistent default in rendering returns and making of incorrect returns when pressed with estimated assessments )
  • The essential points of the temple [ shown herein ] comply with the summation series , which reaches the figure of 233 cubits in its total length , as measured from the pyramid , with ten consecutive numbers of the series
  • As an example , the ratio between each group of two consecutive numbers follows the human heartbeat pulsation : sudden increase , a small dip , a rise again , and then even progression , until the next heartbeat
  • It's difficult to see consecutive number in a sentence. 用consecutive number造句挺难的
如何用consecutive number造句,用consecutive number造句consecutive number in a sentence, 用consecutive number造句和consecutive number的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。